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Personalised vinyl

Personalised vinyl


To get a quote to include hearts or company logo etc  just click the chat button or send us an email or give us a call 01452 226449  or  07714558549


You can create your own design using something like publisher or word etc and then email it to us for a quote. Make your design in A4 Landscape.

If you need it larger please advise so that we can quote accordingly.


Laser cut high quality vinyl NOT to be confused with cheap paper stickers.


Personalised text can be added to any of our boxes and can be anything you wish. Our standard font is Lucida Calligraphy (as main picture) but we can quote for another font subject to availability,most MS word and publisher fonts are available. Multi colours available.


You are responsible for all spelling and grammar.


We will set your text (Centralised) depending on the amount of words, and unless requested will be set to a max of A4 size. General rule is the more lines and/or words you have the smaller the font will be.


Personalised orders can take up to 10 days as we order direct from the design studio. You can ask us to apply your vinyl or it can be supplied for DIY.


*All colours shown are for representation only and may vary


Examples of text


My beautiful dress


Simon & Diane
Las Vegas



The Future Mrs James


David and Claire

Recency House



Emma's Prom dress

Cheltenham College

May 2019



Bridesmaid dress


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